It is up to you hair lovers as well to make sure that your favourite secret hair designer, doesn't miss out on this wonderful opportunity for hopefully GRID WIDE Exposure.
If you are a hair creator or know of some, especially some were english isn't their first language, then please do your best to make sure they know about Hair Fair 2008.
Following is the actual Application; so if you haven't received one yet then copy and paste this to a notecard and follow the steps needed to be part of this amazing event. Numbers will be limited.
Also this is a Charity Event and a percentage of sales of hair as well as the full money raised on other Fundraising activities will all be sent to Locks of Love, a Charity that makes wigs for Children who suffer Hair loss from illness, this is a must be part of must attend event, and we hope to make every part of it a delight for everyone in some way, even if you arent all hair crazy like most of us :o).
Thank you for your interest in the 3rd Annual Hair Fair! This is an application only, and by submitting this does not guarantee you a spot in the fair. You may or may not have participated last year but either way we're looking forward to having you join us.
With the much success of previous years, and undying talent of designers (old and new), we have teamed up with Rezzable and expanded to 4 sims!
The expo will be taking place August 22nd – September 7th
Applications MUST be turned in by July 1st for consideration!
---------------- What is Hair Fair?-----------------
It is a Hair Expo organized by a committee of designers, giving you the opportunity to view many different stores old and new all in one place. This is a great opportunity for any hair designer to show off their work to a large audience of hair fanatics.
You also get to meet and work with others who have the same passion as you do, while working for a good cause. Last year we decided to have part of our profits go to the Locks Of Love Charity. We will be doing that again this year with a few minor changes.
Not only do we showcase hair, we also have a ton of events lined up. Name the Designer & Bandana Day just to name a couple. You will also have the opportunity to get to work with other amazing hair designers on a group wig that will be auctioned off.
If you would like to participate please read the requirements and restrictions before agreeing to sign up.
----------Requirements & Restrictions-----------
* 3-5 NEW Releases - You must be able to showcase at least 3 but no more than 5 never-before-seen hairstyles for the event. We are asking that these releases be unveiled at the expo and not placed in your stores until after the fair is over.
*No vendors, No Scripts , No Textures with a higher resolution of 512x512 , no hovering text, no rotating boxes , nothing that chats or spams passerbys.
*Be willing to donate at least 50% proceeds of at least *ONE* of your hairstyles to the charity. You must provide this wig in ALL color options as any other wig you sell. Each color, color pack, and fat packs of this wig must have 50% of it's proceeds towards the charity. We have a charity liason that will be handling all aspects of this part of the event and you will be hearing from them in future updates.
*Have room for the Hair Fair 2008 group that you will be invited to should you decide to particpate. We ask that you join and remain in the group until after the fair as it will help us to get notices to you about the event, as well as be a list to keep track of participants.
*Must be able to pay an enrollment fee. This is a one time fee that is 100% given to the charity. In order for us to organize the large amount of designers and to ensure you are commited to participating, this is a must! You will be given notice of when to pay and who to pay this fee to. There are a few different amounts which lets u choose the size of ur display area. These are preset amounts and are not negotiable.
Fees as follows:
Standard Display - L$ 1000
Upgraded Display - L$ 2500
Large Display - L$ 5000
PLEASE NOTE: Prims counts for each display-size will be given at a later time. Also be aware that the upgraded & large displays will be limited. These are first come first serve and we cannot guarantee you will be given an upgraded space. You will be able to set up your style displays as you normally do. We will be allowing one goodie box for landmarks, freebies, or any other information on your store. However if you want to personalize your space, you might want to consider a meduim to large space.
-------------Sign-up to Participate----------------
If you agree to the requirements/restrictions above then simply fill in the information below the line after this paragraph and attach to this notecard a full-permissions logo in texture form for your store. Please rename this card : HF PARTICIPANT - YOUR NAME, so that we can identify and search for it easier. Send this notecard to BOTH Mikayla Kohl AND Paisley Poindexter by July 1st . Any Sign-ups recieved after this date risk the chance of not being admitted as a vendor to this years Hair Fair.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Mikayla Kohl & Paisley Poindexter
Hair Fair 2008 Organizers
Store Name:
Desired Display Size:
Total Prims for 1 Wig Display:
Total wigs you will showcase:
(Please remember to rename the card before sending it to us!)
Sasy, this is just a personal note, you don't have to post it publicly if you don't want to. I am so very sorry if the nature of my post yesterday upset you in any way, I feel awful, it was not aimed at you at all. I understand the timezone thing, it was specifically referring to posts that are labled with one time stamp when I check the feed in the morning, then suddenly have a different timestamp and are back on top at the end of the day.
Your blog is wonderful, and I enjoy it tremendously, am awed by your dedication and your ability to squeeze so much out of your day when I feel I barely get anything done.
Please don't let my post, or anyone else's make you feel like you don't belong or that your integrity is in question.
You are too valuable to silence yourself.
~ Ketsy
it's ok ♥ hugs
xox Sasy xox
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