We finally were able to open up the sims to the Hair Creators, and they have all just loved the build, which we are totally excited about. The great thing is that the designers have also embraced the lag prevention we put into place by this year making the four sims two lots of two, as well as the overall design of the booths and how they are set up, thanks to our builder, who is also the sponsor.
Before I go into the details of that, I want to also share the information that is a first for Hair Fair, and is such a huge deal for us. This year the representative of Wigs for Kids will be in world sharing this experience with us, and we are overjoyed to have him be a part of this monumental event. Also so encouraging to us as a Charity Event is the fact that they also added it to their events section on their website, so in Whimsy Speak that makes us Legitimicated. http://www.wigsforkids.org/content/events We are so proud to be able to give to such an incredibly worthwhile Charity, and that they have the faith in us from our communications over these past months, to include us in their website is just great.
Now back to the two lots of two sims. Over the years of our experience with Hair Fair, there are a few stand out issues that occur repeatedly. The first is that we have lost every sim for a down time of sometimes minutes, and last year hours. This is due to the pressure on the servers of the combined sims, with so much going on on all of them at once. The other stand out issue has been that up to at least 20 people on every sim spend a minimum of 15 minutes pushing into the sims next door, so the pressure is on both sims at once. That means that up to, or possibly more than 80 people are just in limbo when others could be tping in. To get to the other two sims you will need to tp again, but you do get the ability to do two sims at once, and hopefully all four will stay online for the duration. This was a choice made very early on in the setting up of Hair Fair long before we even found a sponsor as it was something discussed at meetings and in IMs, even when queries for sim rentals were approached. All four sims regardless of draw distance load into your viewer if you are close to the borders regardless of build type, and we wanted to help in whatever way necessary to prevent that...at one stage we were even considering elevating each sim to a different height, but that would have made sim crossing way too comical. It was actually due to Accessory Fair, and their use of two sims that made it register how much easier it was on the computer.
Another way to combat lag this year is the Demo group we have set up Hair Fair Demo Group , it is an in world group that all of the designers will be sending their demos to on 3rd September, before Hair Fair 2010. We are hoping that many of you join the group and are able to spend hours prior to the fair trying on all the different styles. Whimsy even wants everyone to have Demo parties, getting together to compare and have fun with styles you may not even otherwise have tried. That way you can go to the fair knowing exactly what hair you want . In the past we did this with OnRez and broke it, it was awesome lol.