Friday, September 3, 2010

Hair Fair Demo Group

As a way to combat lag this year, we have set up Hair Fair Demo Group. It is an in world group that all of the designers will be sending their demos to on 3rd September. (the notice archives are full as we speak of demos from various designers!) We are hoping that many of you join the group and are able to spend hours prior to the fair trying on all the different styles. Whimsy even wants everyone to have Demo parties, getting together to compare and have fun with styles you may not even otherwise have tried. That way you can go to the fair knowing exactly what hair you want . This group is not *required*, it is an optional thing that may help you if like me, you don't do well in crowds!



Last Day flickr contest

August 22, 2010
by Sasy Scarborough


Hair Fair Who ?

August 4, 2010
by Sasy Scarborough



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